Get-ups – 1 L/R – 16 kg kettlebell
Double clean and press – 16 kg kettlebells – 3, 3, 2, 2 – 10 reps

Complex – 12 kg kettlebells – drop set 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – 126 reps
Double swing
Double snatch
Front squat
Double clean and press
Push-ups on the bells
Bent over rows

Two-handed swings – Tabata x 1 – 24 kg kettlebell – 80 reps
Cleans – 3 L/R – 24 kg kettlebell –
One-handed swings – Tabata x 1 – 16 kg kettlebell – 88 reps
100-yard sprint x 3
Dead hang pullups/chinups – 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2 – 10 reps (3 weighted with 8 kg kettlebell)
50 yard waiter/farmer walk – 8/16 kg bell x 1 L/R
Shoulderstand squats – 2 x 25, 50 reps

Duration: 80 minutes

I am experimenting with doing double clean and presses with the heaviest weight I can manage for 10 reps. I have ordered 20 kg bells, but am using the 16s in the meantime and lowering them with a count of 4 to increase difficulty.

On Friday I completed 10 reps of the complex with a 12 kg bell and it whipped me pretty hard. Today I performed the complex as a drop set starting with 6 reps, and got through all 21 reps in pretty good shape. I rested 1-2 minutes between every set except the last two. I suspect today’s whole workout went as well as it did – excellent really – because I did not train on Saturday or Sunday.

I tried to clean and press the 24 kg bell on Friday and could not get it up. I could clean it with serious effort, so performed a few reps.

I used two old belts to strap an 8 kg bell around my waist for chinups/pullups. After warming up with 2 sets of 2 unweighted, I performed a set of 2 weighted chinups, rested a bit, and then did 1 weighted pullup. I would have done 2 weighted pullups, but was afraid of failing on the second rep, so stopped with just 1.

I really enjoy my waiter/farmer walks. I pickup an 8 kg bell in one hand and a 16 in the other, then clean and press the 8 and walk down my driveway into the street and to the edge of my yard. I set the bells down, walk to their other side, pick them up in the other hands, clean and press the 8, and walk back to the top of my driveway – 50 yards each way. I could probably carry a heavier bell for the farmer carry, but the 8 is pushing me on the waiter walk.

My shoulderstand squats have been coming along. I was able to touch my knees to my forehead for the first time during the second set today.