I am planning to work on increasing my strength six days per week. To reduce the chance of injury and to keep back-to-back sessions from becoming overwhelming, I am going to limit sessions to roughly 30 minutes. My goal is to match my strength sessions with at least 30 minutes of yoga each day, except for days I attend a yoga class that lasts 75 or 90 minutes. My yoga practice may vary from day-to-day, but yesterday I spent 2 minutes in tree pose, 10 minutes with my legs up the wall, 10 minutes doing a variety of leg stretches focused on my hamstrings, and 10 minutes of sitting in virasana. I will probably do the same today.


Face-the-wall squats – 20 reps
Windmill stretch – 20 reps


Two-handed swings
16 kg kettlebell – 5 x 20 = 100 reps, 3500 pounds
Double military presses
12 kg kettlebells – 5 x 5 = 25, 1350 pounds
16 kg kettlebell – 2 x 10 = 20 reps, 700 pounds
Farmer carry
20 kg kettlebells – 2 x 100 paces, 176 pounds
Pullups – 5 x 1 = 5 reps
Pushups – 4 x 5 = 20 reps

Weight: 5726 pounds

Notes: Rather than doing snatches two days in a row with a wonky left shoulder, I decided to change things up and do double military presses. They went smoothly with the 12 kg kettlebells.

I decided to play around a bit and do a few snatches with the 16 kg kettlebell. Nothing serious, just some fun. The first 10 felt so easy, I did another 10 and then stopped before the fun could end.

I just plain forgot to do double front squats. No wonder I finished before 30 minutes had gone by.

I doubled my farmer carry from yesterday, but both sets were relatively easy.

I decided to do pushups on the pad in my driveway. I might could have achieved sets of 10, but decided to start slow and went with 4 sets of 5.

This workout started around 4 PM after I got off the phone with my mother. I had completed the pullups and the warmup exercises in the morning after I did a few minutes of yoga stretches for my shoulders.