I extended how far I am Spider-man crawling on the track around the Cogburn Road Park near my house this week in two ways. The first is that I am crawling across at least 80 sidewalk joints each day. The second is that instead of using 10 sidewalk joints as my standard crawl length, I started covering 15 sidewalk joints in some segments.

Today, after marching to the park in 7 minutes, I completed 4 sets of crawls covering 15 sidewalk joints, then 2 sets of 10, and then a quick finisher of 4, 3, 2, and 1 for an overall total of 90 sidewalk joints. I added the 4, 3, 2, 1 finisher to give myself more practice getting down and up from the ground.

Crawling across 15, or even 10, sidewalk joints gets my heart rate up. I walk down to where I started crawling and then back to where I just finished to recover before I start the next segment.

My overall outdoor workout lasted 37 minutes today and included roughly 18 minutes of marching, 10 minutes of walking, and 9 minutes of crawling.

Earlier in the day, I spent 30 minutes rocking, nodding, rolling, lateral baby crawling, and performing dead bug and bird dog work from the Original Strength menu of resets.

I am feeling good, but have one problem. My left forearm is sore. I suspect crawling on concrete is causing some strain. I have been avoiding the grass field inside the track because conditions have been wet, but I may shift to the grass if the rain stays away long enough.