My workouts are improving and I am often completing 60 minutes per day. The secret to working 60 minutes is breaking it into two sessions. Today was a good example of how things have been going lately.

I finished my first round of work at my desk at 7:50 AM and immediately went outside to take advantage of the sun not having reached the spot where I train in my driveway. I warmed up with 2 sets of halos and goblet squats and then practiced 10 get-ups with a 20 kg bell. While I was on the ground I completed 2 sets of dead bugs, 2 sets of 6-point rocking, 2 sets of head nods, 10 short-bridges, and a few cobra stretches. I decided to take advantage of the relative cool and extended my first session of training by doing 20 x 1 of a clean and push press, 10 on each side. That got me to roughly 30 minutes.

After breakfast, I worked at my desk for about 90 minutes and then came outside for round 2. I warmed up with another 2 sets of halos and then began 10 sets of 10 two-handed swings with a 32 kg bell. I followed each set of swings with 10 standing cross crawls and one pull-up. I walked down the hill in front of my house and sprinted up and over the crest of the hill twice to finish my time in the sun. The distance was about 100 yards. The sprints got me to about 70 minutes for the day.

I really enjoy the feeling of sprinting up hill. Maybe by next week I will increase to three sprints as my finisher. As long as I am going in the house, I might as well go in so wet you would think I had been rained on!