I am three days into a new program inspired loosely by Dan John’s Easy Strength guidelines…

12 kg kettlebell – 3 sets of 5 halos L/R                            (780 pounds)

Bodyweight squats – 3 sets of 10

24 kg kettlebell – 3 sets of 1 get-ups L/R                         (318 pounds)

Dead bugs – 2 sets of 10

Head rotations – 1 set of 10 L/R

16 kg kettlebell – 2 sets of 5 military presses L/R          (700 pounds)

16 kg kettlebell – 4 sets of suitcase carries/58 paces   (140 pounds)

20 kg kettlebell – 1 set of 10 snatches L/R                      (880 pounds)

20 kg kettlebell – 4 sets of 5 goblet squats                     (880 pounds)

20 kg kettlebell – 4 sets of suitcase carries/58 paces   (176 pounds)

Tactical pull-ups – 5 sets of 1

Two hand/two foot push-ups – 5 sets of 3

40-pound sandbag – 2 sets of 5 rotational lunges L/R (400 pounds)

This took me 36 minutes to complete yesterday and 39 minutes today.

I am super setting the halos and bodyweight squats. I am performing a set of 10 dead bugs after the first two pairs of get-ups and the head rotations after the third pair of get-ups. I am performing a suitcase carry after each set of military presses and each set of goblet squats. I am super setting the pull-ups and push-ups. The daily total of weight is 4,274 pounds.

The weekly total following this plan is 150 halos, 150 bodyweight squats, 30 get-ups, 100 dead bugs, 100 head rotations, 100 military presses, 40 sets of suitcase carries, 100 snatches, 100 goblet squats, 25 pull-ups, 75 push-ups, and 50 rotational lunges. The weekly total of pounds is 21,370.

Leaving swings out is disappointing, but I don’t want my routine to take more than 40 minutes per day. If I become quicker and can fit in some swings, I may add a segment of 10 swings L/R followed by a suitcase carry…

Since my last post in November, I completed an entire cycle of kettlebell and bodyweight training without writing about it anywhere. The important thing to me nowadays is that I train five days per week. What I do is less important. However, since I stopped keeping a training log and might want to remember what I was doing one day… The program was halos, bodyweight squats, get-ups, and pull-ups every day with military presses on Mondays, swings and push-ups on Tuesdays and Thursdays, snatches on Wednesdays, and sandbag rotational lunges on Fridays.