Here’s what I did:

Turkish getups – 3 left and right with a 12 kg (26-pound) kettlebell
Shoulderstand squats – 2 x 10 – 20 total
Double kettlebell front squats – 2 x 10 – 20 total with 12 kg (26-pound) kettlebells
Goblet squats – 2 x 10 – 20 total with a 12 kg (26-pound) kettlebell
Rhythmic work – 6 minutes total – with an 8 kg (18-pound) kettlebell
Walking lunges – 46 yards with an 8 kg (18-pound) kettlebell
Farmer’s carry – 80 yards with 16 kg (35-pound) kettlebells
Dead hang pullups – 5 x 3 – 15 total

I used the 12 kg bell for Turkish getups instead of the 16 in honor of Tuesday being a light day. My form is better with left side getups than right side, so I am mostly focused on form and not weight at this time anyway.

I started the squat progression of Convict Conditioning with shoulderstand squats. I have a lot of work to do with balance and flexibility. I could easily have performed more reps, but wanted to reread the instructions for the exercise before pushing myself.

Shifting from 5 to 10 front squats made them a little more challenging, but the thing I noticed was that I need to investigate proper breathing technique. I was able to breathe naturally as I went up and down, but if the weight was heavier I would need to use some technique to brace myself properly.

I haven’t done goblet squats in a while and decided to change things up and add a few today.

I don’t know the names of the rhythmic activities I practiced. I swung the kettlebell between my legs and around in one of them. I swung the kettlebell around and around in another. In the third, I performed swings and changed hands on every rep.

There are 23 yards of grass between my driveway and the flowerbed on the downhill side, so I performed walking lunges while passing a kettlebell between my legs down and back – 46 yards. I had to stop and rest three times on the way back up the slight hill.

I completed 3 pullups after each of my first 5 sets of exercises. My elbow hurt with the first two sets, but I felt good by the third set.

I walked from the top of my driveway to the end of my property and back doing the farmer’s carry. I really do need to start using more weight.