The soreness I have been dealing with over the past several weeks is probably a rotator cuff injury. I don’t seem to have a tear and exercises my massage therapist taught me last week have been helping. Today she suggested I stop doing kettlebell swings until I am better. I had already done 100 by the time we talked, but I will avoid swings for the rest of the week.

Face-the-wall squats – 20 reps
Windmill stretch – 20 reps


Two-handed swings
16 kg kettlebell – 5 x 20 = 100 reps, 3500 pounds
Chinups – 5 x 1 = 5 reps
Double front squat
16 kg kettlebells – 5 x 5 = 25 reps, 1750 pounds
Hill Sprints – 3 x 100 yards = 300 yards
Rack carry
16 kg kettlebells – 2 x 50 paces, 140 pounds
Farmer carry
16 kg kettlebells – 2 x 50 paces, 140 pounds

Weight: 5530 pounds

Notes: I alternated one chinup/pullup after each set of 20 swings.

I sprinted up the hill in front of my house for 100 yards after the first three sets of double front squats I completed. The effort left me sucking air and needing the walk back to recover.

I could not make it farther than 50 paces in a rack carry, so I went down the hill in the rack position and came back up the hill doing a farmer carry.

This workout took me 28 minutes. My plan is to complete 30-60 minutes of yoga too.