Turkish getups – 1 left and right with a 16 kg (35-pound) and 2 left and right with a 12 kg (26-pound)
Double clean and press and front squat combo – 5 x 5 – 25 repetitions with 16 kg (35-pound) kettlebells
Dead hang pullups – 2 x 5, 4 x 4, 2 x 2 – 30 total
Wall pushups – 3 x 25 – 75 total
Double kettlebell snatch – 2 x 10 and 2 x 5 with 12 kg bell, 2 x 10 and 2 x 5 with 8 kg bell – 50 repetitions
One-handed swing ladders 1 x (5, 10, 15, 15, 10, 5) – 120 repetitions/60 each hand with 16 kg (35-pound) kettlebell
Farmer’s carry – 80 yards with one 24 kg (53-pound) and one 16 kg (35-pound) kettlebell

I’m beginning to enjoy doing Turkish getups under a tree. The shade is nice.

I stayed with the 16 kg bells for double clean and press and front squat combos. After the first two sets, I began taking a short break after the first 3 reps to make sure I didn’t fail on the 5th rep during the press.

I did dead hang pullups after each set of combos. I planned to perform sets of 4, but felt strong enough at the start to complete sets of 5. I dropped down to sets of 4 and thought I would go to sets of 3 after 2 sets, but felt strong enough to complete 4 sets of 4. I varied my grip from narrow to wide to overhand to underhand throughout. The last planned set of 4 was wide grip overhand and I stopped at 2 because I was afraid I might not complete 2 more. I let go of the bar, re-gripped underhanded, and cranked out to more to complete my goal of 30 reps. I discovered an article where Charles Poliquin recommends 30 reps of pullups in each workout to achieve continuous progress, so I am targeting 30 reps on every day I train.

I did sets of wall pushups after finishing my combos, with sets of pullups following the wall pushups.

Last week I knocked out 50 double snatches with the 12 kg bell pretty fast. I wore out so fast this week that I dropped down to the 8 kg bell after the first 30 reps to maintain form. I imagined being able to do 20 reps to finish, but had to drop down to 2 sets of 5 to get the last 10 reps. I’m not sure what was wrong, especially since I took yesterday off to rest. Hmm. Maybe the wall pushups  and pullups wore me down.

I thought I would do 2 one-handed swing ladders when I started, but my workout had already reached the 60 minute market when I started swings. I felt pretty tired and my hands were sore, so I stopped with just one ladder. I was very happy with my hinging during the whole exercise.

My farmer’s carry was fine in terms of the weight, but my hands were tuned up and tender after snatches and swings. I was glad to stop after one down and back.