
Good mornings – 2 x 15
Shoulder rolls – 2 x 15
Face-the-wall squats – 3 x 10
Downward dog, pump, and pry moves – several
Halos – 6 – 12 kg kettlebell


Double clean and press/front squat combo – 8 x 5 -16 kg kettlebell – 40 reps, 1400 pounds
Two-handed swings – Tabata x 1 – 24 kg kettlebell – 88 reps, 4664 pounds
One-handed swings – Tabata x 3 – 16 kg kettlebell – 264 reps, 9,240 pounds
Dead hang pullups/chinups – 5 x 2, 10 reps
Shoulderstand squats – 2 x 25, 50 reps
Incline pushups – 2 x 15, 30 reps

My goal for double clean and press/front squat combos was 50 reps, but I started to experience soreness in my left shoulder/arm after 6 sets. After completing 8 sets, I decided the smart thing would be to stop at 40 reps. I’m frustrated with my mechanical problems, but hopefully taking it easy will ensure I can complete the 30 reps planned for my light training session on Friday.

My trainer introduced me to swings using the Tabata protocol on Saturday – 4 minutes broken down into 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times. I thought my head was going to explode by the end of my intro, but decided to do it again as part of my heavy day training. I maintained 12 reps per workset on Saturday, but just 11 today. My head did not feel like it was going to explode this time, but I was smoked. My hands were hurting, so I shifted from two-handed swings with the 24 kg bell to one-handed swings with the 16 kg bell. By resting a couple minutes between each set I was able to complete 3 Tabata sets of one-handed swings. I had never completed more than 300 swings in a workout before, so today’s 352 swings was a personal record.

My workout lasted 80 minutes. It was hot and I had to wipe down with a towel repeatedly to keep sweat from compromising my grip. I wore wrist towels during the one-handed swings, but still had to towel off repeatedly during rest breaks.