I have been training steadily and have adopted a new standard program. I don’t get it all done every day, but am missing doing something on very few days. My new normal is to spend 30 minutes with a kettlebell and pull-up routine, 30 minutes walking with a weighted backpack, and 30 minutes performing Original Strength resets.

This morning I performed 20 goblet squats with a 16 kg kettlebell, 200 one-handed swings with a 16 kg kettlebell, and 12 strict, dead-hang pull-ups. This afternoon I strapped on my backpack with a 12 kg kettlebell inside, walked to the park near my house, circled the park three times, and then came home. This evening I got on my gymnastics mat in front of the TV and spent time practicing diaphragmatic breathing at a pace of 4 breaths per minute for a few minutes. Then I spent time rocking, performing segmental rolls, and crawling backwards and forwards.

The hardest thing I am doing is walking with 26 pounds in my backpack. Considering that I used to CrossFit 3-4 times per week when I weighed 30 pounds more than I currently do, I would not think that 26 pounds in a backpack would be a big deal, but it is. I’ve gotten a few tension headaches after my weighted walks. I can’t imagine walking for hours the way some people do. I may upgrade to a military grade rucksack to see if that helps.

My left forearm has been sore and tender for almost 6 months. I  had to stop doing Turkish get-ups because a heavy kettlebell irritates my left arm too much. I have been limiting how much time I spend crawling. I will schedule something with an orthopedic surgeon within the next few days to see what he thinks about resolving the issue. Massage and limited use does not seem to be helping.