This was a big day for me – six sets of the following with only 90 seconds of rest between each set:

Double clean x 5
Double military press x 5
Front squat x 5
Double push press x 5
Front squat x 5

The first two sets were relatively easy. The third set began to be difficult. The fourth set was difficult and I began to imagine not completing the entire workout. I psyched myself up during the rest break before the fifth set, and struggled through. The double cleans, double military presses, and first set of front squats were not too bad, but completing the double push presses was exhausting. The first three reps went okay, but the fourth and fifth took everything I had. After that, the second set of front squats were challenging. Then came the sixth set. Again, I made it to the push presses before having serious trouble, but the last 10 reps burned like fire. I could not push continuously during the sixth set. I pushed up and then dropped back into the rack position until I had completed five reps of push presses and then I completed the squats. I felt like burned toast, but completed every rep, all 150 of them. This was a 7800-pound session because I was working with the 12 kg (26-pound) kettlebells.

I am sure things would have gone easier if I was not working directly in the noonday sun. I did not check the numbers, but it was another in a long series of hot, humid days. I was sweating as if I was in a hot yoga class.

Speaking of hot yoga, I did not rush off to the Wednesday class as I fantasized doing earlier in the day. I got a quick nap, but the shoulder-neck strain I woke up with remained pronounced, so I postponed hot yoga until Sunday afternoon.

The program I am following eases back this coming week, reducing sets by half although some of the exercises expand a bit. I am looking forward to it.

I may attempt six yoga classes this coming week – three Iyengar and three Bikram (hot). If anything challenging comes up, I will skip one or two, but I am hoping to make them all. Plus, of course, my three kettlebell sessions.